Leave January Alone…

File Jan 17, 7 06 15 PM

There are some months that are just full of nostalgia, for me January is one of those months.  We lost Lina in January, my father’s birthday is in January and we lost my dear friend Cookie in January.  I’m telling you, warning you, begging you to leave January alone from now on.

Except things don’t always work that way do they?  Toti Nonna is recovering from an allergic reaction to…who the hell knows.  I can’t figure out exactly what it was but I know I’m responsible, there isn’t anyone else giving her food or treats or anything else so I’m the culprit.  That’ll give you the guilts about a zillion times over.

She is resting comfortably from her anaphylactic episode yesterday while we figure things out with Benadryl and prednisone at the ready. We believe she will be fine any minute now.

I hope you’ll forgive my throw back for this week but I too need UN NUOVO GIORNO… the lessons and the sentiment remain the same.

See you next week, with better news from Stowe Lane.


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