How wonderful is it that my mother and my sister have a race every year to be the first one to call and wish me a happy birthday? It’s a fine line they walk, trying to time it so that it is early enough to be the winner but not too early that they wake me up and well you know how that can go. My sister thought she had it aced with her new found love of texting; but no it was my mother that won (by one minute) with a good old fashioned phone call. We laughed pretty hard when I announced “you win” without even saying hello. That’s my idea of starting the day off right.
I had a day of texts, emails, cards and phone calls from friends, colleagues, dealers, and passersby. My niece Kate, my Summer Sister, my ex husband, my ex boss, Sandi singing from Arizona, I know Sandra’s out there somewhere, my friend Ev who was home sick but got up to call for my birthday and then go back to bed, my friend Barb bringing cards and flowers and a cookie. The enormous bouquet from Terri and Ken and the promise of Bang Bang Shrimp at Bone Fish Grill in the near future. The teasing from Jimmy C, the breakfast rescheduled due to the snow, and a free cup of latte from Starbucks.
You would think it couldn’t get any better but home I went to a bouquet of hydrangea and tulips on my dining room table, the dogs already walked and an invitation to dinner at the Aunt Ms house. Salad with all my favorite ingredients, homemade pizza, that is out of this world, and pistachio cake. A total fat ass meal as Muriel would say. Add to that; balloons, my favorite wine and gifts and my day is beyond complete.
There are those people who don’t want to even acknowledge their birthday but I am not one of them. It’s true I don’t want anyone to spend money on me but to bask in the love of my family and friends is warm and rejuvenating. It keeps me young and fills me with gratitude.
With love to you all til next year…