
2015-03-20 17.43.02-2On any given Friday night in homes across this country you can find people eating pizza.  But not like this.  Elevating pizza to the next level and sharing the end of a crazy week on Stowe Lane requires collaboration, the appropriate beverage and removing the smoke detector from the hall ceiling…

My job is making the dough, the rest we leave up to the master with a little “encouragement” from her beloved…

2015-03-20 17.10.36-12015-03-20 17.13.062015-03-20 17.13.15-12015-03-20 17.14.50-12015-03-20 17.17.36-22015-03-20 17.42.45To elevate the ordinary there are just a few requirements fresh ingredients, love and time.  Oh and windows that open are a plus.  What a wonderful way to end the week.

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