Most people don’t think of me as an introvert but I can assure you I am indeed of the introverted point of view. It’s not always about being shy, it’s not about being sullen or lacking the ability to small talk, it’s about how and where you gather your strength and what depletes your strength. Vegas, a convention in Vegas, definitely depletes your strength. Let’s be perfectly clear, Vegas is an introvert’s worst nightmare.
The flight out was relatively uneventful. I ran into some dealer colleagues at the airport who I enjoy very much. These are some fine outstanding individuals and we passed the time with humor and coffee. The flight was relatively smooth although some people thought there was a lot of turbulence. Having taken the bus from Bergen County to the Port Authority in NYC I didn’t think it was all that bad.
Now that we’re in the age of mobile everything, check in was a breeze. My room was lovely, not the highest floor, not the best view but comfortable and complete with a nice big soaking tub. And room darkening drapes. And a goodnight button. Can I get an alright…score one for the introvert.
Vegas is three hours behind New Jersey, remember all that pissing and moaning I did when I lost one hour…just saying, gaining three was going to take some doing also. My regional colleagues were in practice conferences for upcoming corporate meetings so I was on my own until the regional get together later on. I was on my own, that is, until I opened my laptop and there they were…the zillion emails that had gathered while I flew the friendly skies…she said tongue in cheek after hearing how United is carrying on.
As caught up as one can ever be on email off I go with a band of merry makers, undoubtedly they had a head start, to the regional dinner, if you can call it that. I’m always reminded of our former regional admin extraordinaire whenever these events take place. They pale in comparison to what she could conjure up. She had a knack for turning a limited budget into a 4 star affair complete with courses, desert, and unavoidable mingling. This was not that…this was something else with chafing dishes.
Clearly everyone had a head start on me but I’m not one to try and catch up. It must be Vegas when usually reserved people are letting go and instigating questions about God verses religion. I might have written something about that recently never expecting it to become bar room banter. We made it work, note to self, what happens in Vegas…
I was grateful to escape for a nice walk back to the hotel with a fellow clear thinker as it was already way passed my bedtime. As I walked by the bar there were plenty of people imbibing among them one of my all-time favorite people. Can I buy you a drink, sure. We chatted for a few minutes and I took my wine to go. Another score for the introvert.
5:30am I’m in search of the Starbucks. A resort and casino in the early morning is a completely different animal. There’s still music, there are still flashing lights but no people, no winners. There are left overs, the desperate and dazed. There are the “working girls” leaving rooms, walking more slowly, looking tired. You can see why each was chosen the night before but the morning light doesn’t pay tribute.
When the convention started on this morning it was electric. So many people, many of them looking a bit…morning after…many of them I hadn’t seen in years. This was a wonderful huge ballroom filled with the excitement of our company and the people who believe in it and make it what it is. This I can do, this I believe in, this is us.
Communal lunches with people I don’t normally get to socialize with and back to the jazz. Then back to my email, who are these people emailing me while I’m in Vegas?Surprisingly, I was grateful for the familiarity over the course of these days.
Dinners with my car hag counterparts from other regions or other departments were delicious. We are all cut from a similar cloth, something on the light side but fabulous, the wine, the camaraderie all perfect. We lingered over dinner and chatted away then we were on our separate ways. Not to the casino, I didn’t place one bet the entire time I was there, not to the bar but to the sanctity of our rooms. My books. My tub…the quiet.
I did manage to squeeze in a side trip which I’ve been wanting to do for some time. What Vegas lacks in sophistication and culture it surely makes up for in glitz and excess but it does have history. There’s no denying that and I’m a history geek. The Neon Boneyard…more on that in a separate post but suffice to say it was a highlight of this trip.
The convention lasted for three days, me not so much. By the last day I was done. The constant down beat of the music reminiscent of jazzercise classes from decades ago up to the current techno banging of today. I had walked thousands of steps, eaten more exquisite rich food than I had in, I don’t know maybe ever, glad handed and talked shop until I reached my limit. And tonight was going to be the gala. Seriously, me, deaf-in-one-ear and a DJ turning God knows what…the thought of that made me look into flying out early. No luck on that as the flights into EWR were already delayed due to weather.
So my last day went like this, an hours-long breakfast with a dear friend so we could finally catch up after too long and a tip from the concierge about an amazing hiding spot. Benjamin took pity on the woman standing across from him wanting to know is there anywhere, beside my room, where one could have their coffee in a quiet friendly place. No music, no flashing lights or dinging, nothing. Would soft background music be ok? I think my exhale said it all. Behind the Aria is a sister hotel called the Vdara. Go passed the Buddha, make a right at the modern sculputure that looks like an instillation of canoes, OK…
It doesn’t have a casino, or flashing lights, or dinging. What it does have is a quiet lobby bar with no one in it and a Starbucks. I was in heaven, no one knew me, no one cared that I simply had my coffee and journaled to my heart’s content. Benjamin saved a life that day…just sayin he most definitely was an introvert’s hero.
Late that afternoon when many people had already left I was reading, ordering room service, packing and taking a long hot bath. It was the end of a perfect day. I was off for home the next day with a few little glitches but nothing to speak of knowing I’d be sleeping in my own bed with my dear Toti Nonna. Yes there was a welcome home happy dance.
Would I do this again, the short answer is no. My guess is my job designation won’t make the invite list next year, it was probably a mistake this year to be perfectly honest but I’m glad I got to experience the convention once before I retire. There is one less thing to be crossed off my “why-not” list and there were some amazing high points.
In the end Vegas is no place for introverts. Most definitely not this introvert.
For more pictures from the trip you can check out the Ordinary Legacy Instagram page. Yes the Toti Nonna happy dance is there too.