Chatham Lunch



September 18th is my dear friend, best friend’s birthday.  I tend to miss it every year by a minute or two.  I don’t normally miss birthdays except for the people I love most apparently; I tend to miss Kyle’s too.  Though I miss their official birthdays I celebrate them and tell them as often as possible that I love them.  So here they are on the Cape for Sandra’s birthday.  I can’t screw it up this year.

Sandra is on Cape because of the accident she had back in January, you remember Whiteface had a thing or two (broken legs that is) to say about her lifestyle and slowed her way down.  I drove up to be by her side and the conversations went everywhere as you could imagine they would after a near miss.  What will life look like now?  What should the goals be going forward?  Well, one tiny little goal could be to celebrate your birthday on the Cape….just saying…might be nice…could work. What do you think?  Fast forward and here we are.

The weather was supposed to be a bit iffy but the Cape being its own little ecosystem (read finicky as hell) it turned out to be a beautiful day.  So let’s do the tourist thing and stroll around Chatham to shop and have a celebratory lunch.  Off we go.

Kyle and I have a very strong fondness for Chatham.  She found herself there after a traumatic event and scooped me up to bring me there after a traumatic event.  We went each year for many years and it seemed that either she or I or neither of us had some kind of thing to work out.  It was a salve for us and we looked forward to our time together there as only Summer Sisters could.  I’m so glad she could work out being on the Cape this year after her bout with breast cancer, sometimes I just can’t get close enough to her to give her all the energy and love I have for her.  But when we’re on Cape we know that we have enough love to pass back and forth to hold us for a while.  She’s got adjustments to make and life and style changes of her own to work out but I have the utmost faith that she will arrive on the other side of this as only she can, with grace and determination to continue to make her way in the world.  I’ve said it a million times, she is the smartest woman I know and I admire her more every time I see her.

Now we’ll bring Sandra there to poke around and shop and walk and eat and just be on the Cape toward making her new found life and style come together.  It’s funny the things one thinks will put them on a new path.  For Sandra it seemed to be about a more outward vision and so we found ourselves at the optical center in Chatham.  Get it?  Trying on glasses and imagining their effect not only on the people you’re planning to do business with but on your own reflection back from the mirror. Are they me, is this what I want to put out there?  Do they convey what’s happened to me and what I’ve gained from it?  Oh we found the perfect pair but we’ll come back later to be absolutely sure. 

So what would take your mind off such a weighty decision, lunch of course.  Sandra’s birthday, what would you like to eat.  Lobster roll, well if you’re going to do the tourist thing you may as well eat like one…or maybe not.  In the middle of Chatham is a place we passed on the way to the Squire named Celestino’s Café.  We sized up the items on the menu board and dismissed it as too expensive for dinner.  But lunch?  The items on the lunch menu board looked beyond appetizing and quite reasonable so we took a chance.  Imagine Dijon mussels, fresh salads with strawberries and goat cheese.  Imagine grilled cheese taken to the next level by using brie and lobster.  And thankfully a beautiful lobster roll for our birthday girl.  And oh yeah a bottle of wine…chardonnay that was light and fruity enough even for me.  Did I mention we topped it off with dessert, I mean three desserts, one more delicious than the next. Hours spent at a table over lunch is somehow much more decadent than going out for dinner.  We were the ladies who lunch enjoying the food and each other’s company. 

So now there is shopping to complete.  We continued our way up Main Street poking in and out of stores and people watching and chatting all along the way.  Back at the optical center and yes we’ll take those beautiful tortoise shell frames that are just big enough to make a statement and just classic enough to say I know a thing or two.  Perfect.

Back on Willow we sit around happily with our books and our nibbles (because dinner is the furthest thing from our minds) in companionable silence until we just can’t keep our eyes open another minute.  Happy Birthday my dear friend, the rest of your life and your wonderful style will be far reaching. Love you.




What does the perfect day on the Cape with friends look like?

Everyone wake at your own pace, do what you need to do in the morning to get yourself going.  For me that means saddling up the girls (you know I mean the dogs right…) and walking straight down Belmont to the beach.  It’s a bit under a mile; we walk the length of the beach once we get there, and then back.  It’s a great walk and the girls get out all their excess energy so the day is very relaxed.  Take off my shoes outside the back door and head for the espresso machine.

I have had my share of espresso machines over the years, I even purchased one to keep on the Cape (that is a story in itself), but the one I have now is awesome. Showed everyone how to use it, one touch, hot espresso with a beautiful crema, separate milk aerator and you are golden in under a minute.  Only problem is the amount of coffee I drink now could fuel the entire town of West Harwich. 

Linger over coffee, talk and laugh and talk some more.  Consider breakfast and then all of a sudden we have places to go.  We have a plan; pack up the beach fah fah, off to the Buckey’s for breakfast-to-go (you know mine turned into lunch and afternoon snack) and over to Pleasant Road beach we go.  I love Pleasant Road beach, its big enough to spread out, long enough to take a walk and stretch your legs after sitting for hours.  Yep hours.  And it has a bathroom, just sayin, all that coffee has to go somewhere.

It was a perfect September beach day on Monday, low seventies, bright but not searing sunshine, and no wind just a bit of a breeze.  None of us were in bathing suits but rolled up sweats, tank tops and a hoodie (just in case) filled the bill perfectly. We talked, we read, we walked, we slept and we didn’t leave until late afternoon.

Off to the store to buy ingredients for dinner, back to the house to pour the first inch of the day and start cooking.  I love cooking with friends, the whole chopping and prepping, sharing of duties in the kitchen really jazzes me up.  I learn so much from cooking with friends about food, about cooking techniques and about them.  Dinner is served on the deck, wine is flowing, animated conversation naturally follows and the day slowly comes to an end.

There you have it, the perfect day on the Cape with friends.

Bestie’s, Wi-Fi and Lobster

What an amazing combination.  Joining me this time on the Cape are two of the most amazing women I know.  I’m pretty sure you know them by now too.  What a year it’s been for both my Summer Sister Kyle and my best friend Sandra.  But not to worry, they’ve come to the Cape where all is right with the world, if only for a few days, to be with me and my little (ok big) rescue girls Toto and Lina.  I can’t begin to tell you the pleasure it gives me to have them here for the first time in so long.  I just cannot stop smiling at seeing them in the same room at the Cape.

I had a wonderful ride down with Sandra where we caught up on all things big and small.  Kyle would join us later after visiting with her childhood friend in Connecticut, yet another amazing woman who I have the pleasure of knowing.

Kyle and Sandra know each other but not yet well enough to call themselves friends.  They are both the kind of women that can make themselves and others comfortable in any situation and true to form they/we created a relaxed atmosphere of sharing everything from fashion to housing to business to reading to health and wellness that would bring us all closer together.  So amazing are they that even the quiet moments were not the least bit uncomfortable.   I’m reminded of the old saying that the best kind of friend is one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you’ve ever  had.  I have been on the porch with each of these women and now we know we can sit on the porch/beach together and feel the same way.

And of course there would be food and wine.  You’re shocked I know. For many years Kyle and I would find ourselves on the Cape after a logistical free for all that would mean her flying to a few airports and me picking her up at some tiny little airport along the way or driving in separate cars or driving all the way down to me so that we could drive all the way up to the Cape.  Sounds crazy, but so strong was the need to get together for the hug and the face to face how-you-been that we just made it work.  The carrot at the end of the stick was the drop the bags and head to the Squire first night in.

Isn’t it funny that upon arrival I zero in on a wireless modem in the entertainment unit?  I have been begging my friends, the Cronins, to put in wireless for years.  I think they wanted to insure anyone visiting the Cape would not have the distraction of email, internet, and technological blah blah but oh what a pain in the butt it was to drag everything to the Dennis Library to connect.  I have the kind of job that it’s just me doing this little program so it’s to my advantage to check in at least once or twice a week when I’m away.  Being overwhelmed at the end of a vacation by the sorting and answering of email can cause the good effects of that vacation to dissipate into thin air.  So there it was, let’s connect…of course I can’t figure out the pass key and have to drag Terry over to translate. Thank God he recorded the Pat’s game or we would have waiting just a bit longer.   The advantage of wi-fi became evident in the sharing of sites, the checking of Facebook and the overall relief of all of us being able to “lurk”, as Kyle would call it, on what was going on back home.  We would all be able to retain the good effects of this little vacation once we got home.  So once again, thank you Cronins for putting in wi-fi on Willow.

So anyway, we arrived on the Cape pretty close to each other and we dropped the bags, ok maybe we opened the wine and plugged in all our devices first, and piled into the car and headed for the Squire.  The Squire is that place in the middle of Chatham that draws you in and feeds you well.  I feel they have one of the best clam chowdah’s on the Cape.  The draw for Kyle and I has always been the lobster.  We don’t even get changed from the trip because you know you’re just going to be covered in lobster drippings and butter and clam juice up to your armpits and frankly they don’t care what you look like at the Squire.  No amount of sani-wipe will get rid of that smell, although I’ve taken to using the lemon to clean up and that seems a bit more pleasant.   They don’t rush you, probably because you’ve been waiting to be seated for about a half hour. They treat you like neighbors even though they know you’re probably just here on vacation, they wouldn’t chance your feeling unwelcome.  And the lobster is always spot-on delicious.  That is the way to start your vacation on the Cape.  Fully satiated, back to Willow where three women who shared wine, lobster and good conversation could not share another word because they were so exhausted.  I won’t tell you what time it was we all retired to our rooms with our devices and probably all wound up with our reading glasses at the end of our noses sound asleep….


p.s. By the way that is not water in front of Sandra but Beefeater and tonic, just saying….let the girls weekend begin.




p.s to Toto, Lina and the Boxer

The girls now have yellow ribbons on their leashes.  Although the number of times they crank up gets fewer and fewer I want to keep them safe.  It’s a small gesture for two very good little girls who will eventually outgrow their fears and relax.  For those of you who know and love the girls you know they are trying hard everyday to live up to their potential.  In the scheme of where they started to where they are now, I can only hope to accomplish such strides in my own life.

Pass this along so that we can all relax.  Thanks to Shawn Stewart ( and The German Shepard Dog Community ( for starting it on its rounds.


Toto, Lina and the Boxer

Sunday mornings always seem to hold something special for me.  Today we got out on our walk only to meet up with the Boxer.  It’s not unusual, we always seem to meet up with the Boxer but it hasn’t always been pleasant.

By now you should all know that Lina and Toto are my two rescue dogs originally from Little Rock Arkansas.  We had a rough start but thanks to our dear Uncle Shawn ( we have a pretty nice life.  Except for a few minor, occasional, OK maybe more than occasional, run-ins with another dog we’re pretty well adjusted.  Don’t get me wrong it’s mostly a lot of noise but we seldom get close enough to find out what really might happen…Until now.

We see the Boxer and her owner almost every morning.  If I say good morning, in that singing kind of way that annoys the entire world, we usually don’t even hear a peep out of my girls and all is well.  Shawn made it perfectly clear that every time I say “Oh shit” in my head it goes right down the leash and everybody’s on alert. It’s true, I know it’s me.

So sometime last week we gave it a try.  I put the girls behind me and said hello to the Boxer.  She is a sweet thing and pretty skittish too having been bitten by a few dogs herself.  Ok, who’s tail is wagging the hardest, of course Toto.  She is the more social of my two, the more trusting, the least afraid.  Lina’s just hangin behind Mama doing the big shake.  Ok honey you stay there.  So Toto says hello to the Boxer’s owner.  At this point I still don’t know anyone’s name.  She does her best aren’t-I-the-cutest-thing-you’ve-ever-seen and all is good.  Now for the Boxer introduction; I let the leash slack just a bit and they were nose to nose tails wagging furiously and Lina stayed right behind me doing the big shake.  I move to the side and Lina tries to lunge.  No chance of that happening, I have some of the strongest arms and shoulders you will ever meet.  I can’t thank the Boxer and her owner enough for their patience and for being kind enough to try.

The days pass, there are no further meet ups but there are also no further incidents from opposite sides of the street.  I’m calling this a true win.  I’m thrilled.  Then several days later we’re coming down the street and out of the side street come the Boxer and her owner and another person with a Pit puppy.  Now you know I said “Oh shit” in my head but the funniest thing happened.  Toto, Lina and the Boxer did the lunge.  Oh no, we’ve corrupted the Boxer.  The Pit gets dragged around the corner (I remember full well what that is like) and calm comes over the block.

Now it’s Sunday morning and we’re on our way to do the loop.  Here come the Boxer and her owner towards us.  Ok this is new (I did not say Oh shit in my head, I know you were thinking it) so let’s see how we do.  We both come to a stop with our dogs behind us.  Toto does the first peek around (I know you’re shocked by that) and goes right up to the Boxer’s owner, tail wagging, sitting waiting to be petted.  Lina is still behind me doing the big shake.  The Boxer makes her way around her owner and here we are again, nose to nose and my Toto starts crying she’s so damn happy.  It’s what she does, just a bit embarrassing but ok it’s better than the lunge.  Lina, she’s still behind me doing the big shake.  Now we’re actually having a conversation right on the corner of Stowe Lane, I can’t contain myself I’m so damn happy.  Let’s try bringing Lina into the mix, Toto is calm and playing, she takes her cues from Toto so what’s the worst that can happen.  She wants to lunge, put her in sit.  Talk some more, try it again, she tries to lunge.  Her tail is wagging a million miles an hour but all I can hear in my head this time is Shawn telling me not to be fooled.  She may be wagging her tail but she might just be happy because she wants to bite someone.  I never mess with Shawn’s words of wisdom so back in sit, behind me she goes.  Thankfully she’s no longer doing the big shake, I’m calling that progress. We talk a bit more and Steve (finally introduced ourselves) is a really patient guy and I am so grateful that he’s willing to help me get these girls over their last hump.  He assures me that they will be fine and before he goes on his way I ask him what his Boxer’s name his.

Her name is Karma.  Of course it is.