Side by Side

I had an interesting interaction with two of my male friends today that left me wondering…one was having a day and didn’t want to interact in the normal way these two had established in their relationship.  The other didn’t seem to care and bordered on disrespectful by saying now I have to go at you even more.  What is that?

So I decided to ask the one who was having none of it why he acted that way, why did he seem to me to be disrespectful to his/our friend.  I got the standard, that’s how men are routine.  Really?  So now I’m curious, what does male friendship look like?  Not from my point of view because as soon as a female enters the mix another side of men seems to emerge. More on that later.

In all I’ve read, and that’s not all that much, the difference between male friendships and female friendships can be boiled down, according to a post by Brett and Kate McKay of The Art of, and pictured as two women facing one another, while male friendships can be symbolized as two men standing side by side, looking outwards.  The irony of that is the two men were seated side by side when this all unfolded.

It can’t possibly be news to men that the deeper your social connections, the longer and happier you live.  Intimate social ties reduce the risk of disease by lowering blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol.  People who have the strongest friendship ties over a nine year period cut their risk of death by more than 60% according to one study noted by Deborah Tropp on  The irony of a women posting on is not lost on me.

So what is male friendship?  How did it evolve to the name calling, activity oriented, and no-feeling lack of intimacy thing it’s become?  To hear the McKays describe it from heroic (noble and intense and intellectual) to 19th century deep feeling daily interaction filled with sentiment in the style of Theodore Roosevelt perhaps. Then the 20th century transformation to fear of being called gay with sentimentality appearing incompatible with manhood, increased mobility resulting from industrialization and relationship shifts toward shared pursuits and no male role models except those from the military where men (to this day) understand the bond needed to keep one another alive.  It screams buddy system.

So can men have meaningful friendships?  Many believe that they can, I believe they can because I’ve spoken with many men who seem to me to be quite deep and feeling and capable of intimacy.  The key there is they are talking to me and men usually feel comfortable showing that side of themselves to women.  After all, it’s one of our greatest attributes.  We know how to outwardly do friendship.

So what does a man to man friendship look like?  In all their name calling (hey jackass, apparently a form of endearment) they know how to show up.  They don’t show up ready to listen necessarily although it’s been known to happen, they show up ready to support one another in sport, they understand loyalty, they are straight forward and can assist their friends in moving on, they are non-judgmental.  I’m not sure women understand these things but do they have to?  Our friendships work for us, theirs work for them.  When they need something else from friendship, like say expressing emotion, they will turn to their wives (if they have them), girlfriends (if they are past the stage of having to prove themselves) or women like me who are just there to listen with an open heart to their friends who need to say it out loud.  I know like I know that men have a thing or two to learn from women but I also know they’ve got each other’s back when it comes right down to it.




Tis the season to elect our next president.  From Wickipedia:  Modern political discourse focuses on democracy and the relationship between people and politics. It is thought of as the way we “choose government officials and make decisions about public policy”.

The sound of that is glorious.  I love all that it entails, the process of learning where each candidate stands, has anything in either party changed?  Should I rethink my stand on certain key items that are important to me?  Do I know enough to make an informed decision for me and my family and country?  Because, yes, I have a say in the way my country works, amazing.

For me the process of voting is highly emotional.  Nothing brings tears to my eyes more than the sound of the curtain closing behind me in the voting booth. The power that is mine at that very moment overwhelms me. There is such a sense of community at my polling location, people coming in with their coffee cups, greeting one another and wishing everyone well as they wait to take their turn in the booth regardless of party affiliation or beliefs.

All these things are intensely personal and I wish to keep it that way. The older I get the more I adopt my father’s philosophy, I don’t enjoy talking politics.  I believe that ruins friendships and work relationships so I tend to “agree to disagree” when backed into a conversation on politics that I find belittling, threatening or overpowering.

One of the strongest philosophies I believe is that we are probably more alike than we are different but I honestly don’t wish to confirm this, I choose simply to believe it. I must say I wonder about things like, if you are a conservative Republican and a member of your family is gay, what do you do?  I don’t want to know, I simply wonder. There are many nuances to the fabric of our country that could play out this way, that give me pause, especially as a woman especially as a person who believes strongly in the separation of church and state. I worry for our country in that we don’t seem to be looking for our similarities but only at our differences.

I am uneasy about the national debt, I am concerned about the economy, and I fear that our politicians no longer look upon their jobs as one of service to the people of this country and that they have become, one and all, power hungry to their own end.

I’ve been called liberal. It’s a broad term that not many people understand based ironically on the ideas of liberty and equality.  Again the woman thing…and probably because I believe in people helping people and the government championing that.  I have a colleague that thinks that liberal equals un-American and said as much.  I was not forwarded a donation request for a very worthy cause for the Wounded Warriors because he felt I was too liberal.  I have never been so hurt, tears in my eyes hurt, ever before. Instilled by my father, I am a believer that if your country asks you to go to war we must all stand behind you regardless of our belief in the cause that put you there.  I believe in people period.

I will continue to agree to disagree and make it known that that’s where I stand, firmly planting in the pact that we should not discuss our philosophies. I must say that I fear people will try and impose themselves and their philosophies on me as happened just recently.  I had this very agreement with a colleague for quite some time and something made him send me a politically charged email that was untrue.  Had it been based in truth I might have responded differently but the fact is he broke the pact we had in the interest of stirring the pot.  This is not the true essence of our country, we can each believe what we believe and allow the other to do the same.   We can also endeavor to find out, through listening to each other, where we share our certain views and respect each other where we don’t.

I love my country and I stand behind my President.  Regardless of their party because my fellow Americans said it should be so.  I know like I know that we are more similar than we are different and if only we could exhale and remember that, in our country, we have the amazing gift of freedom allowing us to have a conversation that might bring us closer rather than further apart. Bottom line, don’t forget to vote your beliefs as you see fit, it is your right and your privilege. On this we can agree.


I had a perfect evening yesterday filled with good conversation, good wine and just enough food to sustain but not put me in guilt-by-something-fried mode. I was sure I couldn’t eat another restaurant meal but there I was…in a restaurant.

I was with a dear friend who I could sit and talk with for hours, and we did, about everything under the sun.  I love that kind of evening.  An evening that picks up right where it left off as if not a minute had passed.

I am so grateful for those kinds of things, not expensive, not extravagant, not over the top, but filled with details that spark ah ha moments and laughter and ease.  At one point we were talking real life moments and I said something about needing a phrase.  I’m thinking one to stop the dominos from falling and returning the momentum to an unquestionable pace that suits me. It was a passing second but it stuck in my head.  Needing a phrase….

We both believe in momentum, both good and bad, and we both get concerned when momentum picks up speed and can’t be controlled, how does one kick out a few dominos to stop it but then allow it to resume on a clear and constructive level? Deep, I know, but thankfully we have each other to banter these things about.

On the way home, top down because the night had turned glorious, I was thinking it’s truly about the tiny little elements of a day that does it for me; putting the top down, walking in the door and watching the girls come groggily around the corner from the hallway to greet me then taking off back and forth down the length of the apartment.  But what to call it?  How to express it?  It’s gratitude but bigger.

I sleep on it, quite soundly after sharing a bottle of wine and emptying my head of all things burdensome and in the morning there is a text.  My friend received a wonderful piece of mail upon returning home and concluded: “Life is so rich.”

I know like I know.

Ironing and Folding

On those rare occasions when I actually sit with my colleagues for lunch I’m always amazed at where the conversation goes.  I guess I shouldn’t be because when you sit together 5 or 6 hungry, intelligent and funny women then the most mundane subjects can take on a comical life of their own.

Take ironing.  I don’t iron, like ever.  My summer sister Kyle is an accomplished seamstress, costume designer/maker and with that comes ironing.  She’s a master.  She once remarked that I, am, one of the best people she has ever seen iron a wrinkle IN…not out.  You see where this is going.  (She also thinks I’m the only one who can incorrectly roll up my sleeves…it’s why I have her.)

My niece Kate visited a while back and asked where my iron was…..nope didn’t have one.  Ok I went and got one, a travel iron, which I can assure you, will never find its way into any of my luggage going anywhere.  So with that little travel iron I bought a folding ironing board, which I’m told by someone who attempted to use it, isn’t worth diddly. Shocking.  My idea of an ironing board is a towel thrown over the top of the washer and dryer.  And apparently some of the women at lunch agreed.  Just sayin.

Why would I iron when I have a dry cleaner?  For a tiny little bit of money they will launder your cotton shirts (light starch) and press them to within an inch of their lives. Steam the hell out of anything else that you can think of including dresses and pants with the most beautiful knife sharp creases.  For every other thing I own, I am perfect fine being poised at the dryer when the buzzer sounds to whisk everything out and into folded bliss.

Now folding I am great at.  I recently spent time at my friend Sandra’s while she was laid up with her two broken legs.  She was in organization mode (from her wheelchair mind you) and the linen closet, which was upstairs in her then very big house, was annoying her.  Ok, let’s take a look.  Big mistake.  Flat sheets here, fitted sheets there, pillow cases somewhere else.  Really?  That sent me a folding.  Flat sheet first, before you fold it over the last time… the folded matching pillow cases and the folded fitted sheet inside to make a wonderful bed in a packet. By the way, lessons on how to fold a fitted sheet to within an inch of its life; free for the asking.   Why the hell would sheets and pillowcases be in different places…these are the things that make me crazy.  PS my colleagues will now be folding their sheets MY WAY. I do what I can to save the women I know from the lunacy that is disorganization.

Finally, to those few people left who actually still iron their sheets…God bless you.  For the life of me I will never understand that.  Buy yourself some fabulous, wrinkle resistant, high thread count linens and be done with it. 

Or you might just hang them on the line (line? what line?) for that wind whipped crisp feeling from the old days.  I know like I know that feeling and that smell is like heaven and long gone never to be replaced by any fabric softener sheet, ever. Too bad.

Our Lady of the Stink Eye

So in her most endearing running ten steps forward and two steps back way, my friend Marianne finally came across the post on my blessed funny women.  You remember the one where I begged her to let me publish the now famous Our Lady of the Stink Eye Story that saves my life every once in a while, the one that makes me laugh more than anything else.  Following permission granted in her own words:

Just found this in my email. Thanks a mil – you are a doll and right back atcha baby. Publish away. I have a league of souls released from Purgatory on my side.  All Souls Day in grammar school – three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys, and Three Glory Bes, another soldier working tirelessly to save my soul.

I knew from a very early age I would need all the help I could get.

Much love,


The story of Our Lady is legend.

It was around 5th grade, I think, after school, about 5 of us were playing around the Our Lady of Fatima/Lourdes Grotto. (The one with the 3 kids) Anyway, Our Blessed Mother was raised on a Grotto about 8 feet high with a fountain in front and the kneeling kids. Behind her statue was a wall we used to run up and down and jump off. We were playing tag one day and I was chasing someone up the wall when I lost my balance and reached out to Mary to steady myself (and really now, isn’t that what we’ve always been taught to do?) Well Mary must have been tipping a few that day, wasn’t all that steady herself and toppled head first into the fountain breaking her head right off her neck.

We all stood frozen for about 5 seconds – just long enough for me to threaten a slow and painful death to a squealer and then we beat feet home like our butts were on fire.

The whole next week there was a full-blown investigation, threats of excommunication, damnation, you name it. A few times, when I would see one of my posse start to sweat or weaken, I’d deliver the “stink eye” and they would keep their mouths shut for another day.  To this day, no one ever found out who decapitated Mary.

BTW, I made my Communion, Confirmation and was married at that church.  I’ve always checked to see if the head is still glued on or if they sprung for a new statue. The head is still glued on.

Also, one of my first lessons in the strength of a powerful female.

Yours in Christ (and His Mother),