No, You Can’t Buy Christmas Spirit


DSC_0821But I found it everywhere this week.

In my wood bin:


From my oven:


Catching up with Fran:


Putting up the tree:


I even found it at the doctor’s office.  Sorry no picture available for that one.  I’ve had a cough for weeks, a bark actually, and it’s plucked my last nerve so I decided to investigate with someone who actually went to medical school.  The thing is there’s really nothing wrong, no pneumonia, no sinus infection, not a smidge of temperature, just this nagging bark.  Perhaps it’s residual from an upper respiratory infection he said.  Wouldn’t I have noticed an upper respiratory infection?  I’m a huge believer in stresses manifesting themselves in the body…just saying, person who keeps touting misinformation all over the company about things you don’t understand.  But I digress, the Christmas spirit appeared as Advair, which is very expensive, but came in the form of a two-week SAMPLE.

Christmas spirit is giving, service, love, sharing, and human connection.  It’s not material, you should never have to buy it for the sake of the season.  Simply send someone home with cookies for their morning coffee.

I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year….Charles Dickens